Learn how to support and grow your business with My Main Street!
My Main Street has produced a variety of online training resources to support your main street business.
Any business owner can access these resources for free! You do not need to be in a My Main Street community!

On-Demand Online Courses
Learn with My Main Street! My Main Street has created two on-demand courses for small business owners.
- How to Start a Main Street Business
- How to Grow a Main Street Business
Please log in or create an account to participate.

Mastermind and Webinar Sessions
My Main Street is hosting monthly mastermind and webinar sessions.
- Mastermind sessions will be an opportunity for business owners to ask business specific questions, engage in discussion and get answers from the host, subject matter experts, as well as other business owners in the session.
- Webinars will have a specific topic that will include a presentation from an expert and time for Q&A from attendees.
Please pre-register for the events to participate. Past events will be recorded and available through the On-Demand online courses section. Please login or create an account to view.
Online training supported in part by:

Le programme Ma rue principale est géré par l’Institut urbain du Canada et financé par l’Agence fédérale de développement économique pour le Sud de l’Ontario.